Saturday, December 12, 2009

December - Xmas Looms Large

Greetings from "sunny South Wales" and - for once - I mean it. The sodding rain seems to have gone at last and we're left with cool, crisp days for a change. I thought I'd never get dry again !

The photo is Tobermory on the Isle Of Mull - pleasant but typically dour and Scottish but still - for my American friends who've seen "Braveheart" - I guess this is your idea of Paradise.

Personally I prefer Italy but you can't win them all.

More will follow much later tonight but for now I fancy a curry and I intend to have one.


Incidentally my thanks to the people who helped me out with the "posting images problem" - much appreciated.

Monday, November 9, 2009

9 November 2009 - or 9/11 if you prefer.

Several weeks down the line and as you can plainly see one or two things have changed.
I now have a Dell laptop in my room so I can broadcast my perfectly reasonable and logical arguments to anyone I like anytime I like and that's exactly what I intend to do.

I've been travelling since I last published a post and I promise faithfully that I'll publish some photos shortly when I've assembed a collection of the best.

However, just to give you some idea I've been to Marseilles, Toulouse, Tobermoray, Glasgow, Berlin, Istanbul, Rotterdam and London in that order.

And just to prove there's no problem at all with my sense of humour here's a snapshot of me enjoying my (recent) 54th birthday :

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

104 Days

Yes - 104 days since I gave up drinking and - as you can see - it hasn't affected my sanity clause at all in fact I appear to be disappearing in this picture. Obviously I have substituted coca-cola and ice-lollies for booze (a clever choice you're thinking). More photos and an update will appear her shortly once I return from my tour of the mess they call a mezze in the middle-east they call Turkey because half of it's in Europe and half of it's in Asia. So it'll be colussus watching the hippopotamus (who smell of phosphorus) swimming in the Bosphorus in the sunshine.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cosa Nostra - from the Opera "Chipshop & Bob"

This is the "family" as they're known in Downtown Cardiff. an unlikely bunch of hoodlums but all of them are deadly in their own way.
Some of you will recognise me of course - I'm El Padrone and people run away when they see me because they know I'm not really square and I don't go around in circles (like the others) and I take the piss out of Bernard Cornwell and his comic book heroes who are always falling down to their knees and crying then remembering their home in the town of Abertridwr and the vows that they made to theit fathers in the Vale Of Trawsfynnydd and the honour that they won in the battle of Gorseinon and it goes on like this for ever and ever......

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Background Information

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Background Information

Readers will - no doubt - be pleased to hear that I am finally going to be completely honest about a few things to wit :
i) I am not a Consultant as such (although I may be consulted at times).
ii) I am no longer the tunnel at the end of the light having relinquished my role as " Master of Wisdom" two years ago. The baton has been passed into the very safe hands of the Australian cricketer Mr Shane Warne who will do a very good job for all of you.
iii) I am only a Senior Network Engineer on very rare occasions when it becomes necessary for me to earn a living via conventional means in order to supplement my income from other sources (more follows).
iv) I live in West Cardiff from time to time because I own a house there ( I will post a photograph once re-decoration of the external aspects has been completed). Most of the time I travel around Europe seeking inspiration and enlightment.
v) I am - in fact - a Record Producer and the proprietor of "Screaming Orgasm" Studios which is located in the privacy of a basement in North Cardiff. Current projects include :
* New album for the mighty "Monte Dons" - a Cardiff based band in the folk/rock idiom although I intend to work a little of my "Merlin Magic" on their slightly dull delivery.
* New album for the astonishing "Dr Mick and the Staggering Harlots" featuring tracks like "Unpredicatable" , "Lakes With Windmills" and "All That I Can Do".
Photographs of both these acts will apear on this site shortly and I shall expand on the scope of the projects and my involvement in them.
Once complete both recordings will be available in all formats ranging from 33 rpm vinyl for those of you with Dansette Phonographs to full 3D holographic de-luxe digipack downloadable from the net.
So please keep your eyes open : it's a case of "Be there or be square" and for some of us being around stops us from being square when things have turned full circle.
********************** Del Milano inc. c. 2009 ********************